
研几2024-07-22 00:55691 阅读47 赞


dream of 梦见 I often dreamed of my younger brother soon after I left home.刚离开家时, 我常梦见弟弟。



回答:dream of 梦见 I often dreamed of my younger brother soon after I left home. 刚离开家时, 我常梦见弟弟。


梦见 英语是什么

dream about/dream of/dream(that),以下为例句,请参考具体用法。1.I dreamed about you last night.昨晚我梦见你了。2.1)I dreamed of my old home last night.昨晚我梦见我的老家了 2)Dreamed of meeting an old friend.梦见了一个老朋友。3.1)I dreamt(that) you last night.昨天晚上,。


梦见用英语怎么说 梦见的英语是怎样读

1、梦见的英语:dream about,读音:英 [driːm əˈbaʊt] 美 [driːm əˈbaʊt]。2、我几次梦见了他,梦境如此逼真,我好几天都心神不宁。I dream about him, dreams so vivid that they disturb me for days。3、他梦见了克莱尔。He had 。


昨天我梦见了无忧岛 译文:Yesterday,I dreamed of the Carefree Island.其中:the Carefree Island——无忧岛 carefree——形容词 adj. 无忧无虑的(with no worry or trouble )比如:a carefree holiday 无忧无虑的假期 参考资料:★【落月原创】★ 。

我梦见了李老师 用英语怎么说

I dreamed of teacher Li


I dreamt/dreamed of you last night.1. 这个句子只能用一般过去时,因为有个过去的时间last night。2. dream of sb. 梦见某人


dream [dri:m]v.做梦, 梦见, 梦想, 想到 n.梦, 梦想 dream dream AHD:[dr¶m]D.J.[dri8m]K.K.[drim]n.(名词)A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.梦:在睡眠的一定阶段在头脑中不自然地出现。


dream of !!

我梦见李老师 用英语怎么说

I dreamt of Mr.Li


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